Top tips for training greener

Published on
November 14, 2022
Here at the Brighton Marathon Weekend, we’re committed to environmental sustainability. Check out our five top tips to help you train greener...

How to make your training more environmentally friendly

Here at the Brighton Marathon Weekend, we’re committed to environmental sustainability and that includes asking our participants to consider reducing their impact on the environment as they prepare for our event. Check out our five top tips to help you train greener.

1. Carry what you can

Whatever conditions you’re training in, you’ll need to stay hydrated. If you want to carry water with you when you run, why not use a refillable water bottle, hydration pack or bottle belt to cut down on single-use plastic?

Many hydration packs and bottle belts even have space to carry your keys, phone and snacks, which means you can run without having to hold anything in your hands! You can buy a bottle belt from London Marathon Events by clicking here.

2. Eat the right food

What you choose to eat (and drink) affects both your running performance and the environment. More than one-third of global greenhouse gas emissions caused by human activity can be attributed to the way we produce, process and package food, according to a 2021 UN-backed study.

Your diet can make a big difference to your personal environmental footprint, from saving water to reducing pollution and the loss of forests. Try to eat seasonal, locally produced food as much as possible and increase the number of plant-based options on the menu – and plan meals to reduce food waste.

3. Train outdoors

It’s a simple one – but training outdoors means you don’t need electricity for lights, air-con and cardio machines. Head to your local park or quieter roads so you reduce exposure to exhaust fumes and get that extra-dose of vitamin D. Research shows that being outdoors can also reduce stress – and your training will be more interesting if you plan a variety of routes. It’s a win-win!

4. Make kit last longer

Every year, it is estimated that 300,000 tonnes of used clothing is sent to landfill in the UK. Try to repair running kit where you can, or donate items that still have a good few miles left in them to your local charity shop or organisations such as ReRun – a UK-based organisation that aims to extend the life of running kit.

If you need to buy new kit, try to prioritise items that are made from recycled materials.

5. Stay local

One of the biggest environmental impacts from major running events is the emissions caused by participant travel. If you want to enter other events as part of your training for your challenge, try to go for ones that are local to you – could you get to them without using a car? Cycling, walking or jogging to and from an event adds training benefit and is a great way to warm up and cool down!


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